Kate Nobbs
English Speaking Psychotherapist BIG

Kate Nobbs, B.A.(Hons) (Wollongong, Australia), M.A.(Hons) (Clinical Psychology) (Wollongong, Australia). Drs. Klinisch Psychologie (Universiteit Amsterdam)
Since 1991 Australian born Kate Nobbs has offered a private practice in psychology for the English speaking community of the Netherlands. Over the years, Kate's clients have presented with a variety of problems, including depression and anxiety, anorexia and bulimia and general dis-ease with their lives. People who have suffered trauma in their lives make up a large proportion of the practice.
With more than 35 years experience as a psychotherapist, Kate works from an integrative approach incorporating the body, mind and spirit in her work. Being a trained Mindful Self Compassion teacher has shown Kate the importance of developing a kind relationship with yourself.
As a practicing artist Kate has deep affinity with living a creative life. And some of the struggles associated with wanting to express yourself creatively. Blocks to creativity have been known to dissolve.
Kate is a BIG registered Gezondheidszorg Psycholoog (#79051187525) and BIG Psychotherapist (#69101425516) in The Netherlands. She offers either short term work or longer term work, depending on the presenting problem and the wishes of the client. And she works in either English or Dutch.